From welfare to wealth care, from pedophiles to popes, from plutocrats to environmental plunderers—these are just some of the indecencies of contemporary socio-economic life that Profit Pathology takes on.
Here, Michael Parenti investigates how class power is a central force in our political life yet subject to little critical discernment. He notes how big-moneyed interests shift the rules of the game in their favor while undoing the gains of social democracy, from the New Deal to the present.
Parenti also traces the ruthless economic forces that have operated through much of American history, including the mass displacement and extermination of Native Americans and the enslavement of Africans.
Parenti is a master at demonstrating the impact of monomaniacal profit accumulation on social services, including health care and utilities.
In this book he shows how unrestrained capitalism becomes a “self-devouring beast” that endangers itself and all of us.
Finally, Parenti calls for a solution based on democratic diversity and not-for-profit public ownership—”because it works.”

Who is Michael Parenti?

Michael Parenti is an internationally known award-winning author and lecturer. He is one of the nation’s leading progressive political analysts. His highly informative and entertaining books and talks have reached a wide range of audiences in North America and abroad.
“A prolific author, a charismatic speaker, and a regular guest on radio and television talk shows, Parenti communicates his message in an accessible, provocative, and historically informed style that is unrivaled among fellow progressive activists and thinkers.” — Aurora Online, January 2004
“Michael Parenti is a towering prophetic voice in American life. We need him now more than ever.” — Cornel West“Parenti offers a valuable rebuttal to the drumbeat…from the right.” — New York Times Book Review
“A penetrating and persuasive writer with an astonishing array of documentation to implement his attacks.” — The Catholic Journalist
“Michael Parenti is one of the greatest writers that this country has ever produced. As a historian he is a preeminent interpreter of our times. . . . He has an undeniable sense of reality and he speaks with tremendous authority of feeling. What he has offered our world is absolutely extraordinary.” — Justin Desmangles, Chair, Board of Regents, Before Columbus Foundation, 2014.
“Here at home and throughout the world people are fighting back against the forces of wealth, privilege, and militarism — some because they have no choice, others because they would choose no other course but the one that leads to peace and justice.” — Michael Parenti
Also see:
Michael Parenti Speeches
The Darker Myths of Empire: Heart of Darkness Series
Diversity & Orthodoxy in the Media-Modern Media Censorship Lecture 1
Michael Parenti “Creating a Sustainable Economy”
Recorded by Ralph Cole on June 24, 2004.